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Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová

Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová

Try a bit different way of working with beads: use our Vintage Cut Nuggets beads to create a „canvas“ and then embroider on it! You can create tiny pictures with simple doodles, like our square with winter trees, or more sophisticated ornaments. What will YOU create?


Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová
1. Start sewing the first row using the ladder stitch: string 2 beads and pass through the first of them again in the same direction. Both beads will position themselves next to each other.
Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová
2. Pass through the 2nd bead, string a new bead and pass through the 2nd bead again.
Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová
3. Repeat step 2 until you have the necessary quantity of beads for your first row.
Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová
4. To start a second row, add the bead in the same way, but position the bead next to the first row.
Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová
5. Add another new bead in the direction of the second row, but fasten it also with a stitch to the neighbouring bead from the first row.
Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová
6. Continue until you have the desired shape. All beads must be stitched to their neighbours.
Now you have your „canvas“ ready. It´s an ususual view, to see the beads in your beadwork from their hole side, isn´t it? The cut corners of Vintage Cut Nuggets beads look decorative from this point of view.
Tutorial - The Beaded Canvas Embroidery by Sylwia Vynšová
Take a thread in a contrast colour and complete your bead pattern with an embroidery. Use the same way of stitching like during sewing the beads together, but you can make the lines diagonally as well. It might resemble a cross-stitch embroidery a bit. When doing longer lines, don´t lead the thread over several beads at once, but compose the line from shorter stiches from bead to bead.
When your embroidery is ready, add desired findings – you can attach a bail or a thin jumpring into one of the bead holes.

How do you like this idea? Share your embroidered bead canvas with us in our ScaraBeads Club on Facebook, we are looking forward to see them!


Sylwia Vynšová loves crafting and works with beads since her childhood. Today she is an author of beaded jewellery and beadweaving tutorials for a Czech beading magazine. Sylwia´s favourite styles are gothic, vintage and fantasy jewellery, but she creates contemporary designs as well.

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